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The Deliberate Confusion by The One White Parent of Nonwhites

One White Parent Vs Two Nonwhite Parents on teaching their Nonwhite children about Racism/White

Show Name:
The C.O.W.S. w/ Dr. Jared Ball
Date / Length: 2/14/2011 8:00 PM - 3 hrs

Dr. Jared Ball visits The C.O.W.S.. Dr. Ball is the father of two brilliant and adorable daughters, Maisi & Marley, and the fortunate husband of Nelisbeth Y. Ball. After that he is an assistant professor of communication studies at Morgan State University where his research interests include the interaction between colonialism, mass media theory and history, as well as, the development of alternative/underground journalism and cultural expression as mechanisms of social movements and political organization. Dr. Ball is a columnist with, and produces a weekly radio column for, and the founder and producer of FreeMix Radio: The Original Mixtape Radio Show, an emancipatory journalistic political mixtape. We'll discuss Dr. Ball's report on the offspring of Tragic Arrangements: In Living Colors: A Black Man with a White Mother Examines the Concept of Multiracial Identity. We're eager to hear Dr. Ball support his contention that: Nobody knows White Supremacy better then black people in the United States. And within that community, nobody knows better then those of us who come from black and White parents. We also hope to exchange views on Aaron McGruder's The Boondocks.
Replace White Supremacy With Justice Immediately

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Repeat, Repeat, Repeat...

"If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism) What it is, and how it works everything else that you understand, will only confuse you" - Neely Fuller Jr.

Repeat after me: "If I do not understand White Supremacy (Racism) What it is, and how it works everything else that I understand, will only confuse ME" - You & Me.